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Dear Aella, 2 years 3 months


I haven't written for a while, In fact the last time I wrote to you, you were 17 months (nearly a year ago!). I feel so guilty for that and I am sorry!

You have changed so much and continue to change, yet I have nothing written for you to look back on. The first half of this year has been really tough for us as a family but seeing your face, your smile and just your presence made everything a little easier. You have seen Mummy got through a number of emotions and at 2 years old you have known what to do, you have sat yourself on my lap, put and arm around me and told me "It's okay Mummy". I have no clue where you learnt that but I am proud of you, proud that at 2 years old you know when someone needs cheering up or calming down, it certainly makes me feel like i'm doing this parenting business right!

A lot has changed recently, the biggest thing being that you are going to be a big sister in February 2018, you have been showing both Daddy and I how great you are going to be as a sister with your baby doll, you feed and change her as well as tuck her into bed. It is so lovely to see and I can't wait for you to meet your little brother or sister.

You are currently potty training, you have cracked the potty... when you are naked, but when you wear knickers we are having some issues. I think knickers feel like a nappy to you but with a few reminders you are starting to remember to take them off and go on the potty. Once we have cracked knicker wearing, I think I'll brave going out with you with out a nappy on, right now I worry there will be more outfit changes than with have clothes.

In the last couple months your speech has really come a long way, you have gone from stringing a couple of sentences together to speaking sentences. Admittedly I don't always understand and you have to repeat yourself a couple of times before it clicks. Understandably you do get frustrated when you are not being understood, which is why we introduced a time out mat. We didn't want to call it a naughty mat because you aren't being naughty, you are just simply expressing yourself and there is nothing wrong with that but we want you to learn from a young age that taking a moment to calm down is important.

You have a lot of favourites at the moment, you tell me you love them! So here is a list

Peppa Pig Paw Patrol Tinkerbell Fairies Unicorns Chocolate (who doesn't love chocolate!) Grapes BoofBoof (your comfort blanket, you had stopped needing him but one morning you wandered in asking for him) Ice cream Cats Bab-Bee (your baby doll)

Outside (yes , you love being outside, any weather!)

I'm pretty sure I have missed loads off, everyday you tell me you love something new.

I think I am rambling now, I just can't believe how quickly time has gone, how quickly you have grown up and how much you change week on week. I am so proud of you and the little person that you are!

I love you my princess



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Welcome to my blog! I'm Simone, 20 (+ a few) years old and mummy to Aella.

I love photography, interior, fashion and beauty so expect to find lots of that here!

IKEA is the best day out. I don't wake up without a cup of coffee. 

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