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Communication Is Key

Communication is so important in a relationship, so important that if there isn't any then you might find yourself drifting apart, starting to lead separate lives and sometimes breaking up.

You've both spent a day at work, you both want to wash, have dinner and go to bed. It is so easy to forget about the person sitting next to you, the love of your life sitting next to you, the one that 2 years ago you wanted to know everything about, their feelings, their thoughts, their favourites and their hates, what made them laugh and what made them cry. Now you just sit, assuming they are happy and guessing they still like the same stuff they used to. You both sit in silence comfortable with each others company but sometimes this silence can become lonely, lonely even though you are together. Lonely because you don't talk, because you feel lost, because you feel like you don't know the person you are in love with anymore.

Speak, say how you are feeling and open up. You might even find out you were both feeling the same but neither of you said it because you didn't want to hurt one another. Tell each other your feelings, how your day at work has been, talk about the worst parts of the day but also the best parts. Tell each other what your favourite songs are, what bit of information you read that interested you. Tell each other how you like your coffees made and if you prefer your broccoli soft or left with a little crunch. Listen to each other, learn new things from one another and continue being happy together


about how they are feeling. I guess we all just expect our partners to tell us when they have had a bad day or if something funny happened, but do you express how bad your day has been to them? Or do you feel you don't want to bother them, because you know they are tired and guess they don't want to hear it. Oh but wait, you want to hear about your other halves day, so why would they not want to hear yours!

It isn't just work you have to talk about, it's life, your views, your favourite things and hobbies you have. When you stop expressing that to one another, you stop learning about one another and

You can have bad days and not feel the need to talk about it, but over a year or 2 of bad days and not sharing them can make you feel low, you can feel alone and can start becoming distant. So don't forget to ask each other how your days have been, ask each other how you are feeling and show you still care about what is going on in each others lives.

When you have a bad day and don't talk

Relationships, you have to continue to learn about each other to make them work and you have to make time for that, which can be very difficult when you both work and/or if you have children.

The longer you are with your partner the more you forget to keep in touch with what they like, what makes them laugh, what their favourite songs and TV shows are, have they got any new interests or is there something new they want to try. You get yourselves into a routine where talking less becomes normal, you stop sharing feelings and don't tell each other how your day has gone. When communication lessens or stops completely then relationships starts to break down, sometimes you can't see it happening because you both continue living life thinking it's right to act this way and assume the other person is happy. Soon there will come a time where you can sense the unhappiness and it will need to be spoken about, which can be very upsetting for both of you.

Imagine being told by your partner, they aren't happy anymore then having to talk about why and open up about when your are really feeling. Then together you have to talk about if you can work it out or if you have to call it quits. Although this can be tough at the time, it does so much good because you are both finally communicating, asking each other what would make them happy, what are each other missing and asking what each other want from the relationship.

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Welcome to my blog! I'm Simone, 20 (+ a few) years old and mummy to Aella.

I love photography, interior, fashion and beauty so expect to find lots of that here!

IKEA is the best day out. I don't wake up without a cup of coffee. 

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