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Aella - 1 Year 2 Months

Where do I start! This month Aella has really grown up, I have noticed her understanding a lot more of what I say. I can ask Aella to pass me a specific toy and she will bring it to me, I can ask her to come back in to a room and she will and she also gets excited when I mention bath time. Obviously there are days where she doesn't want to do as she is told and likes to ignore me, she soon comes talking to me when she hears the rustle of the biscuit packet though.

This months favourite words are 'duck', 'oh dear' and 'up'. Aella loves playing with her ducks and feeding real ones too as well as bird (which are also ducks in her world). She also enjoys being up high or just having contact with people so we often find her asking to be picked up... a lot! When I'm making her a drink, cooking, sitting down, out walking, in the garden or sitting on the floor . She is also teething which may answer why she wants to be with me a lot! If I don't pick her up Aella often does something something to get my attention, usually dropping something and saying 'oh dear' which she has learnt off me, it's the first thing I say to her whenever she loses her balance or drops something.

As I just mentioned Aella has been teething, she finally has her 3rd tooth popping through YYAAAYY!! 14 months old has she has 3 teeth! I don't know how she manages to eat or bite into the food I give her. The teething hasn't been great though, it has been keeping her up most nights and making her very irritable. We often have days where she likes to cry 80% of the day whilst chewing on her hand. It's really horrible to see her in pain.

The last couple of weeks have brought us lots of strops and tantrums, I want to say they are hard work but part of me feels that I have it easy. Aella is such a good girl and has a smile on her face the majority of the time, it is so hard not to give in to her when she is having a tantrum over a cookie. I know that I can stop her being angry or upset by giving her what she wants but I also know it wouldn't be good for her to be giving everything she wants.

I got really excited this month because Aella has just enough hair to put in bunches! I was a lot more excited about this than Dan, he thought she looked ridiculous. I look back at photos at Aella when she was 3 months old, I remember thinking her hair was getting so long when she actually had none.

I really can't believe how much Aella has changed since moving to Peterborough. It is so exciting watching her grow and change everyday!

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Welcome to my blog! I'm Simone, 20 (+ a few) years old and mummy to Aella.

I love photography, interior, fashion and beauty so expect to find lots of that here!

IKEA is the best day out. I don't wake up without a cup of coffee. 

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