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I've Realised It Can't Always Be Done

I've always liked being tidy (I'm sure my mum will disagree), mess irritates me and clutters up my mind. When i was younger I liked my room as tidy as possible before I went to bed, I felt like I slept better at night when I could see the floor! If I'm honest I'm very much the same now, (I think there might of been a teenage phase where I had no interest in having a tidy room) I like things to be in certain places and for it to be a place you can relax but having a toddler seems to make things a lot more difficult! When Aella couldn't crawl or walk things where simple, I could leave her to sit whist I quickly did something (although she did scream the whole duration I would be on gone). Now I have to watch her every move, she often leaves a messy trail behind her so if I do lose sight I can track her down very easily.

Nothing is ever done these days, my washing basket is always full, there is always a stack of dishes to be done. Even if I've just washed up there is always something I have missed. The hovering doesn't get done as much as it should and the iron is only ever seen on special occasions (Aella often goes out in a creased top, lets face it shes only going to spill food down it and spend most of the day trying to pull it off anyway)

For months I've tried to complete every task and make sure the house is perfect. I've recently realised it can't always be done, not right now anyway!

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Welcome to my blog! I'm Simone, 20 (+ a few) years old and mummy to Aella.

I love photography, interior, fashion and beauty so expect to find lots of that here!

IKEA is the best day out. I don't wake up without a cup of coffee. 

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