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Baby Turning Toddler

I blink and you've learnt something new! In one week you have learnt to open the kitchen cupboards and drawers, climb off the sofa and climb on it too, you've learnt to walk and you are also learning lots of new words.

Words you use a lot are:




Papa - Grandpa

Nunny - Dummy



Dac - Duck

Woofwoof / Kea - Dog

Eshh - Please

Ta- Thank you



Nimnim - Dinner



Awwww - Cuddle

Everyday you attempt to put a bow in your hair and socks on your feet, I try to help you out but you shake you arms about, frustrated that I am trying to take over. You know exactly what you want to do and your mind is set on completing a task, before doing something else.

You are so cheeky at the moment, if no one is giving you attention then you will make as much noise as you can to gain it, you will shout, roar like a lion and blow raspberries. If this doesn't work, you walk up to me, look me in the face and sit yourself on my lap!

Where did my little newborn go, that tiny little baby that would wake up only for milk. I had no clue then that you would have this massive personality now, or even what kind of personality you would have! But what a beautiful and strong one it is.

You have just got into nursery rhymes, your favourite is Twinkle Twinkle Little Star. You love to sing along and love twinkling your fingers in the air as we sing it together. Your 2nd favourite in Row Row Row The Boat, which you love doing the actions to as well. I am so proud of Aella! I Love you more than you know.

Love mummy


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Welcome to my blog! I'm Simone, 20 (+ a few) years old and mummy to Aella.

I love photography, interior, fashion and beauty so expect to find lots of that here!

IKEA is the best day out. I don't wake up without a cup of coffee. 

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