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The Big Move

On the 13th June we move into our new house! The weeks running up to the move we were so excited, we were ready for more space. For anyone that doesn't know, we had moved in with my mums for a while as we had problems with our flat. It was all at bit of a squeeze there, even though the house was huge and made more a family for 5.

So that Monday we we're up at 6am to be on the road for 7am to collect the keys (to our new house) at 9am. It was a really emotional morning, my mum and step dad Dave had got up to say goodbye. I wrapped my arms around mum and hugged her tight, even though we argue we have such a close bond. Knowing that my best friend was now going to be 2 hours away was difficult, I was always used to mum being 10 minutes up the road, I could call her up and invite her for a coffee and with in the next 20 minutes we would be sitting down in our local Costa. Mum and Dave had also go so used to Aella being around, giving them a cheeky grin every morning or holding out her arms saying up, to which they could never say no and being their biggest distraction (My hay-fever is really playing up right now, my eyes wont stop watering) It was so lovely to see Aella grow such a beautiful bond with her grandparents.

We left on time and Aella was a star the whole journey, in fact she was great most of the day. Once we got to the estate agents things were difficult, Aella obviously wanted to play, we had paperwork to sign but also had to find paperwork on the internet as we hadn't brought enough ID with us, which after a 2 hour journey wasn't what I wanted to hear.

Finally we had the keys and we arrived at our empty shell that we would shortly turn into home. We still had a very long day ahead, we had to drive back to Chelmsford, go to the post office, charity shop and dump, load up the car and the van we had hired all whilst Aella was getting up to mischief. It was 4pm when we said our final goodbye to the house and Kea the dog.

Moving is so exciting but when you look at all the boxes you have to unpack and when you just want a cuppa but cant find the box the kettle is in, things stop being exciting and start becoming tiring. After driving over 200 miles all I wanted to do was relax but there was no time resting, we had so much to do. Everything was in the lounge and our sofa was being delivered the next day, it was non stop until midnight. Our sleep that night wasn't exactly an energising one, which is really what both Dan and I needed. I slept on our old sofa with a fidgety Aella and Dan was on Aella's mattress on the floor, fortunately out mattress was arriving the next day too!

The Next day when the sofa came as well as our mattress, wardrobes ans drawers. The place started to take shape, Not only was it great to get our clothes away but we could also all sit down on a sofa with out being squashed.

As you can see our first day and a half was hectic but that didn't really stop. Our first week we spent day and night, unpacking, building furniture and shopping to get the last little bits to make it homely. Now nearly 3 weeks later we are settled in, there are still some finishing touches needing to be done but we are making the most of chilling each night and enjoying all that extra space we have spent months craving.

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Welcome to my blog! I'm Simone, 20 (+ a few) years old and mummy to Aella.

I love photography, interior, fashion and beauty so expect to find lots of that here!

IKEA is the best day out. I don't wake up without a cup of coffee. 

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